Before you start a diet, there is an important step that many people miss: to develop a new eating habit. There are people who eat 5-7 times a day, and I personally have seen people who eat 10 times a day. Which is too much. To start a new eating habit, you should stick to three meals a day: breakfast, lunch and a dinner. Each meal must not last more than 15 minutes. That's it! Sounds easy, eh? But there is a catch (of course): Everything you eat counts as a meal: a single cracker, a cookie, a candy, etc. - everything. Between meals, you must not eat anything except plain water, and/or tea without sugar, and/or coffee without sugar. Everything else is prohibited.
Stick to this a month, two, or as much as needed. You will lose a few pounds, but this is not the most important. More importantly, you will have developed a new eating habit. After that you can start a diet. This way it will be much more difficult to give up your diet and the diet itself will have much better results.
This is not a diet. So you don't need to eat 1000-1500 or so calories a day. Just remember: Three meals a day, 15 minutes per meal, and nothing between meals. I'll say this again: NOTHING between meals, but water. Try it on your own and share your results in the comments below.
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