Diet Blog

Your body is your temple

Starting a diet

Thursday, March 19, 2015 | 11:33 AM


Continued from How to develop new eating habits

If you have already developed new eating habits following my tips in the previous article, you will have noticed that you lose a few pounds each week, but this won't last forever. At one point you will stop losing weight (it is related to the human brain, but I will explain this in another post). This is the right time for you to start a diet.

If you have already chosen your diet (it's a good idea to consult your diet with your doctor) you can start it right away. Have in mind that the more weight you have, the more calories you should take. Do not forget to change your diet once every 4 weeks or when you notice that you no longer lose weight (yes, it is related to the human brain again). Each subsequent diet should include less and less calories until you reach 1200-1500 calories a day, or until you are satisfied with your results.


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